An essential aspect of demolition is the safe removal of hazardous materials like asbestos, which demands specialised expertise and equipment. Asbestos, once widely used in construction for its insulation properties, is now recognized for its health risks, leading to a ban in the EU in 2005. Asbestos is a mineral that has been mined commercially since the late 1800’s. It gained wide use in the construction industry due to its thermal and electrical insulation properties. In 2005 the use of asbestos was banned throughout the EU due to its hazardous effects. The fibres in asbestos, if inhaled, can get into the lung tissue and cause disease which may be fatal.
Given the potential dangers associated with asbestos exposure, including severe respiratory diseases, our trained operatives are equipped to handle its removal following stringent regulations. While our team is proficient in Non-Licensed Asbestos removal, we collaborate with Hawkins Insulation Limited for the removal of Licensed Asbestos, ensuring compliance with health and safety standards. For more information on Hawkins Insulation Limited’s services please see their website.
Asbestos removal requires specialist expertise and equipment. It should only be carried out by highly trained and monitored operatives and it can be complex, but we will safely remove and dispose of all asbestos prior to demolition with minimum disruption and in accordance with Asbestos Regulations and Health and Safety regulations.

Our goal is to facilitate a safe demolition process with minimal disruption, prioritising the health and safety of all stakeholders involved.