Gas Cutting at Dominion House Cardiff

Gas Cutting

Refurbishment works at Dominion House continue with the removal of the North staircase. Each of the steps are to be cut out using a gas torch. The process is called gas cutting and is similar in principle to welding.

Debris netting is used for the protection of personnel below.

Staircase to be dismantled at Dominion House Cardiff

The staircase in closer detail.  Cutting will start at the top and the stairs will be cut out sequentially.

The metal staircase that will be removed by gas cutting

Gas cutting in progress.  Each pair of treads are cut and removed from the top down.  Personal protective clothing is worn by the operators, who all receive Hot Works / Gas Cutting training prior to the work.  We employ our own in-house trainer to carry out the training and ensure safety standards are met.

Hot Works begins to cut out the stairs


Hot Works at its brightest

Once all the steps have been removed they will be transported by our drivers to a local recycling facility.

6 Stairs Removed

Merry Christmas

We would like to wish all our customers and staff a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

We would also like to update you all with regards the Car for Logan and his family.

Fund raising via the “Just Giving” website was brilliant and we would like to thank everyone who kindly donated. £2200 was raised and we managed to find a reliable Vauxhall Zaffira with some warranty to donate to the family.

Trish went to Weston on 5 December to present the car to all the family but ,as with every best made plan, she discovered that Sarah, Logans mum was expecting their 6th child in 2016 and as such the 7 seater zaffira was not big enough for the 8 of them.

Obviously there was no point in them taking delivery of the car and Richard, from RIW Car Sales kindly agreed to resell the car and search for an 8 seater vehicle.

This is obviously the current situation, so anyone that knows of an 8 seater for the right money please let us know.

Watch this space!

We would like to wish all our customers and staff a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.