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Accreditations and Certifications
L A Moore Ltd has been a member of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) since 1969. Through NFDC membership we are audited annually to ensure our Health and Safety and environmental checks operate to the highest standards. Choosing an NFDC member gives you peace of mind that you are using a Competent Contractor for your project. For more information on the NFDC see their website at

Construction Line
L A Moore Ltd is dedicated to improving efficiencies and reducing duplication within the industry. Our membership of Constructionline allows us to streamline our procurement process by providing our company information in a standard format for potential clients. For more information on the Constructionline scheme see their website at

Through accreditation with CQMS L A Moore Ltd proves our credentials meet the highest standards. It also enables us to demonstrate our SSIP compliance. SSIP is an industry recognised pre-qualification question set for construction procurement. For more information on CQMS see their website at

ISO Certification
LA Moore Ltd is dedicated to maintaining and improving quality throughout the business. Through ISO 9001:2015 our processes are validated to ensure they are structured and efficient to provide you with the confidence that your project is efficiently managed. For more information on ISO 9001 see

L A Moore Ltd is ISO 14001:2015 certified. We run an audited Environmental Management System to reduce our impact on the environment and continually improve our environmental performance. This standard also ensures we comply with applicable laws and regulations in relation to the environment. For more information on ISO 14001 see

L A Moore Ltd is ISO 45001:2018 certified. ISO 45001 is the new international standard for occupational health and safety management. Our business operates a best-practice Occupational Health and Safety Management System to reduce the likelihood of accidents, as well as improving our overall performance. For more information on ISO 45001 see